Woman standing at fish tank

Student Success|

College of Arts and Sciences

icon of a calendarNovember 23, 2020

icon of a pencilBy Kelli M. Warshefski

A Life Among Fish


two white arrows point down
white camera icon

Robert Hall

画廊里很安静,只有微弱的灯光在升温. 清晨的阳光从古色古香的天窗射进来,穿过装饰着拱形天花板的绿色乳白色玻璃砖. The aquarist makes her rounds, peering through the glass of each tank, silently greeting her gill-bearing coworkers, and breathing in the peace of the morning.

Amanda Murray, CAS ‘06 and ‘11, is living her best life.

As an aquarist at Belle Isle Aquarium, 默里每天都待在底特律这座历史悠久的建筑里, caring for a number of creatures from piranhas to hissing cockroaches; a career the alumna was 她毕生致力于动物保护事业.

“Biology is basically one of the first sciences you experience as a young kid; it’s the life around you,” Murray says. “That’s what drew me to it. I loved animals and I grew up spending a lot of time up north, fishing and collecting bugs. It’s just always something I wanted to do.”

Woman standing in front of aquarium tank
Woman cleaning out tank
Woman walking around Belle Isle Aquarium
Woman standing in pond feeding fish
Koi fish
Woman looking at fish tank

穆雷最美好的童年回忆之一发生在她家位于特拉弗斯城的小屋里, 当她还是个孩子的时候,她会拉着一辆红色的小马车, stopping only to pick up, examine and place bugs in her wagon. 穆雷的母亲虽然不喜欢“令人毛骨悚然的小爬虫”,但却鼓励他这样做. 这成为了一个基准和授权的来源,为有抱负的生物学家的同情所有的生物.

“I think it’s really important, especially for little girls in biology, to have a positive female role model. 当他们看到虫子或蜘蛛时,他们会看妈妈的 反应,如果他们的反应是“这很恶心”,他们可能会接受. 我妈妈从来没有劝阻过我,因为我喜欢它们,我想这就是我热爱所有动物的强烈影响,” Murray explains.

穆雷长大后会进一步探索这种激情 Oakland University, where she earned her bachelor’s in biology 并立即继续攻读生态学和动物行为学的硕士学位. While at OU, 她对环境保护的热情是由教师和研究培养起来的, 包括她对黄蜂行为的研究,以及它如何影响一个群体的生产力. 默里发现自己在自己的元素,检查和照顾这些不受重视的生物.

Woman standing in koi pond

“我的研究经历让我有信心提出自己的想法和实验,” says Murray. “它不仅让我探索了如何正确地进行科学研究,而且 also how to analyze the data and present it to peers. 我认为我在公开大学做的研究是我职业生涯中宝贵的经验.”

获得硕士学位后,默里开始在密歇根科学中心工作. 但是,尽管她喜欢那里的工作,她还是渴望和动物一起工作. So in 2018, when a position opened up at the Belle Isle Aquarium, 穆雷抓住了申请的机会,不久就开始了她的新职业道路.

As an aquarist, Murray utilizes her training in biology, 但他指出,这份工作需要的不仅仅是生命科学方面的知识,还要了解物理学和水箱管道的力学, 在适当的水过滤系统的化学和元素的组成, 一个水族馆管理员需要知道“一切的一点点”.” In her day-to-day tasks, for example, Murray conducts behavioral analyses, checks and maintains the water quality, temperature and pumps on the tanks, ensures all vital equipment is properly functioning, cleans the tanks and feeds the animals. 此外,默里还为鱼提供了营养——这是它们健康的重要组成部分.

“鱼有很大的个性,即使在同一物种中,”默里解释说. “They need interactions, 最近(由于新冠肺炎期间大楼关闭)一直缺乏的东西 pandemic]. So, 我必须通过改变鱼缸里的东西来确保它们保持精神上的刺激, hiding food, and interacting with them through the glass.”


格蒂是一只热带gar,它在玩躲猫猫,而默里则在擦拭它的水箱外部. A school of crappies, 原产于密歇根州,是默里最喜欢的一种鱼, 跟着默里的手在玻璃杯上滑动. The stingrays are fed by hand, 当它们不耐烦地等待喂食时,经常向默里喷水. To provide additional interactions, 穆雷还请她的宠物蟑螂帮忙, which she sticks to the outside of the tank.

“I love my job. 我爱我的同事——不仅仅是人类,”默里说. “The fish are my coworkers as well, 我喜欢与他人分享我的激情,帮助人们了解并爱上所有的动物.”

“我们不仅与彼此共享这个星球,而且与其他物种共享,”她继续说道. “这就是为什么保护对我来说如此重要,因为我想要这些资源, these habitats, these animals to be around for the future. 这对我们贝尔岛水族馆来说非常重要,我们的使命是帮助保护动物."

Discover more about Amanda Murray and the role biology plays in conservation.

About the Belle Isle Aquarium

The Belle Isle Aquarium 这个国家最古老的水族馆是1904年开业的吗. The building has undergone several renovations, 更换水箱和更新水过滤系统, 而是底特律著名建筑师的建筑完整性, Albert Kahn, remains intact. While the majority of aquatic life is found inside, there is also a large Koi pond and garden outside. 在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间,该建筑目前因安全措施而关闭, 贝尔岛水族馆继续推动社区的保护工作,并为当地项目提供重要援助, 包括与自然资源部(DNR)签订的一份关于当地鲟鱼恢复的合同. 水族馆从当地渔场接收小鲟鱼, raises them, 一旦它们长大,就会被送回野外, increasing the sturgeon’s likelihood of survival.

“It’s a great program,” Murray explains. “Sturgeons were almost gone from Michigan, and now they’re coming back, even in the Detroit river nearby. 这是水族馆所做的非常重要的事情, 是保护濒危或灭绝的野生物种并帮助它们.”

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